I am not a stranger to feeling lonely or depressed. I have struggled with this time and time again and every time it’s always me willingly locking myself in a cage of negative self pity. Always looking for someone or something to help unlock it. And sometimes it would work but only temporarily. I realized I had to start doing the work if I wanted to finally free myself completely.
Self-love fuels us to be better, to do better. So many times I have seen people that have the life that I want. They are eating healthy, doing what they love, being active and I often think to myself – How do I get to be like that?
When I was young I had a pretty negative mindset. I was always playing the role of the victim, feeling helpless; that nobody wanted me or that nothing would ever work out. Its only when you hit rock bottom that you can truly feel the weight of your entire world on your back.
Here are some ways to help pick yourself back up and start loving yourself again:
1. Start each day by looking in the mirror and telling yourself: I am love. I am worthy of love and happiness. I am enough just the way I am.
2. Doing something each day that makes you feel good – colouring, writing, baking, singing, etc. Write it down or record yourself telling yourself the things you are doing to make yourself feel good. The more feel good vibes you send to yourself the more you will attract. #missionfeelgood
3. Listening to what your body needs. Sometimes we get so busy in our routines and day-to-day activities that we ignore what messages our bodies are giving us. Take a few deep breaths and ask yourself what it is you need right now to feel better. Listen and respond, as you need.
4. Eating healthy. Food plays a huge part in how you feel about yourself and how you feel about your life. Giving your body the nutrients and vitamins in needs to thrive will help boost your mood and overall health.
5. Do video recordings of yourself (or you can use a mirror if you don’t have a video recorder). Sometimes we can get lonely and feel like we don’t have anyone to talk to. Instead of reaching out, reach inward and communicate with yourself. We have all the answers we need inside if we just take the time to listen.
6. Listen to uplifting music. We all have music that when we listen to it just raises our vibration of our body and makes us feel good. Personally I find that listening to music that has uplifting and inspiring lyrics really inspires me. One of my personal favorites is Opening to Love by Ashana.
7. Make a gratitude calendar. Each day write day 1-5 things that you are grateful for. Being grateful for what you have is a great tool to attract more positivity to your life.
8. Smile! Whether or not you have something to smile about doesn’t matter. Look in the mirror and just smile at yourself. Smile when you are out walking. Smile anytime you can. Maybe even take it one step further and laugh (again even if you don’t have something to laugh at). Smiling and laughter is always an instant mood booster.
9. Affirmations. I have several affirmations posted around my house, in my kitchen, living room, beside my bed, and my bathroom. They are good reminders to have around if I ever find myself getting stuck in the negative spiral. Reading one out loud helps me to shift my perspective and focus on being present. My two most powerful affirmations for me now are: “Today I will let go of my need to figure things out. For today being is enough.“ and “I feel good when I am in alignment with my truth.”
10. Show your body love. Give your body love and gratitude. Our bodies are a means of communication. They help bridge the connections from inner world to our outer world. Take the time and hug your body, touch your body. Take a bath or get a massage. Accept your body for all that it is right now.
What do you do to show your body or yourself love?