Do you find yourself getting caught up in letting the fear get the best of you or have anxiety, worry or doubt at the forefront each and every day?
We all have had times in our lives, some more than others, where we wanted to speak up but didn’t, where we want to make a move or change but didn’t. There can be so many reasons for this; fear, doubt, stress, worry, insecurities, overwhelm, anxiety, depression – to name a few. Let’s face it, there is always going to be a long list of things that can hold us back from actually moving forward. But ask yourself, how many times are you going to let fear or stress win? How many times are you going to let fear be the driver of your life?
Yes, it can be daunting, and out right terrifying but do you think those who are ‘successful’ never had to face their fears? That the Bill Gates or Oprah’s of the world never had challenges with doubt or worry or had to face their insecurities?
For me I was grateful enough to always have that inner knowing of just how divine I am. (And it’s not just me, although I always consider myself special, it’s you too. We are all divine, perfect beings of light and love.) I knew that all these unwanted emotions weren’t the real me, that I was just playing them out. Yes, I would spend years getting lost in them – taken out by fear for months, crushed by depression and anxiety for years, overwhelmed by doubt and insecurities – it was in the undoing of myself that I found myself.
I see so many people that own their anxiety, own their depression like it is their identity, and it is who they are. They talk about it, play the victim card, they relive stories over and over that caused them to feel or be this way, and all that does is continually attract more of what we are putting out there.
There are so many things that we play out in our lives that hide the beauty of who we truly are. When we are constantly telling ourselves stories about ‘who we are’ we are only limiting our reality from being all that we truly want it to be. I used to hang on to those stories like my security blanket because deep down I was afraid of actually reaching success – and you may be to but how many times have you let the security, the known stop you from doing what you want?
Those who believe the unknown is scary and fear moving into it, are the kinds of people who will never truly live and experience the kind of life they desire. Yes, those golden handcuffs, and security blankets are comforting but at what cost?
The point is we never know what is going to happen; we never know what amazing and beautiful things are going to come into our lives. Nobody does! Even if we think we do, we don’t! All anyone can do is surrender and be open to the endless possibilities.
Because when we say ‘this is how it is’ or ‘things will never change’ or ‘there’s no other way’ any of these stories is just holding us back.
We can so easily get caught in the mind game, and think that we are geniuses because we KNOW what is going to happen if we make a change. What fun is it if we know what will happen every move we make? Really think about that one. Do we play video games or board games knowing where each move will take us or do we sit back and enjoy the unfolding of the unpredictable?
Bottom line is that we have to stop telling ourselves that we can’t do this or we can’t do that, or ‘this’ will never happen. There is an ENDLESS amount of possibility out there – ENDLESS! We just have to go for it. We just have to follow our heart and trust that we will get where we are meant to go. That all starts with getting quiet and really listening to what your heart is trying to tell you – not the mind, the heart. The more you do this the more you will begin to recognize when it’s your mind talking or it’s your heart.
Connect with your heart, feel the beauty, the love, and light that you are. It’s there. Trust me. Live in your heart. Jump into the unknown. Experience the magic and beauty that life has to offer. It’s worth it. You are worth it. 100%!
Are you ready to embody the light and love that you are? Are you willing to make the changes in your life that you need in order to do so? To let go of what is no longer in alignment with your truth?
If this sounds like you let’s connect! I offer a profound healing modality along with leading edge conscious technology to help you connect more deeply with who you are and raise your vibration. Send me an email at or connect with me here.